How to meditate?

So you want to learn how to meditate?


You may feel differently when you begin your adventure with meditation.

When you start meditating, you can experience different feelings and thoughts: Can I do it? It is right for me? Which method works? I can’t stop thinking…

Meditation is one of the most natural activities and learning the basics is easy. Learn a few tips that will give you a smooth start.

Do not force yourself

There is no point in relaxing, getting rid of thoughts or evoking a state of bliss by force. If you use INTŮ meditations, simply follow the instructions, and slowly allow yourself to accept what comes at that particular moment of time. Meditation cannot be evoked artificially – and this is great news – because from the beginning you can let go of all your efforts

Keep your back straight

When meditating, keep your backbone straight, but at the same time relax your body. You can sit on a chair, a sofa, and yoga matt, in a diamond pose or a different form of lotus. As you wish. What is crucial is that your backbone remains straight and your body relaxed.

(If you sit cross-legged make sure that your tailbone is at the same height as your knees, or higher— you can put a pillow under your buttocks).

Time for yourself

Meditation is a time with you and for you. Turn the notifications off and mute your phone. Make sure that after the meditation you give yourself some time before proceeding to your daily tasks or before you get back to scrolling Facebook.

Forget about the effects.

If it is only possible, focus on the mere process of meditation without expecting that it will evoke any certain mood. Of course, if you are impatient because you want to feel that deep relaxation which your friend told you about – then be with this impatience. In meditation it is more important to be aware of what is happening than what is happening.

And thats it. Enjoy!

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