Estimated reading time: 3 minute

Sometimes, or even often, in working on ourselves, we stumble over old habits of behavior and think that we made no progress at all.We meditate for a year, we already feel this peace every day and suddenly – boom! – another sharp argument with your partner.

It seems to us that we have worked through the subject of parents, but from just one day of holidays together we come back completely pissed off.

And then it begins.

We doubt in ourselves, in working on ourselves.

“Why do I need this meditation, this therapy: it’s like blood in the sand, I’m losing to myself.”

Did you know that Warren Buffet, the legendary American investor, also missed investments and decisions? He did not invest in Amazon “because who will buy a book online”. He did not invest in bitcoin “because what nonsense it is.” Stumbles equally as legendary as his fame and fortune. And despite that, he is still a great investor. It’s the same with working on yourself. Not a single kilojoule of your commitment is wasted.

And stumbles can happen to anyone.

Moreover: it’s not even about everything being perfect and some kind of turbo progress. Sometimes we are simply too strict on ourselves and demand too much, negating our own humanity, our own weaknesses which are part of us and that’s it. Or we’re too concerned about each other. We do not dress up in designer clothes, but we check out self-development in the mirror, assessing the degree of “progress”.

Relax. Step by step. Go forward.

Of course, sometimes something just doesn’t work for us: some attitude, approach, or method. Then it’s worth changing. Make a correction. But how often we do not know that … legendary investors also do stupid things.